
“The legend of a pumpkin house”

Author Urbano Salvati presented “The legend of a pumpkin house,” a delightful and timely story representing a fairy tale for today’s world.The story begins with a retired couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fiorina, giving the neighborhood children a special Halloween party with many pumpkin decorations. In the midst of the fun, someone suggests they should create […]

Thank YOU All!

Designed by the world-famous architect Roberto Palomba of Palomba-Serafini, the installation was housed in the heart of Detroit in a building owned by Bedrock. The space created by the architect Palomba, through arches, lights, and corridors, aimed to reproduce that ...

Luisa Bocchietto | Architect

Furniture and Sustainability – Architect Luisa Bocchietto, Former President of the Industrial Design Association (ADI) and of the World Design Organization (WDO), talked about furniture, sustainability, Italian design, and how design has expanded from product design to the design of processes and services ...

Love IT Detroit

September 2022 marked the start of the highly anticipated and first-ever collaboration between the Consulate of Italy, in partnership with the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan,  and the Detroit Month of Design - a 30-day exhibition filling one glorious space in the heart ...

Silvio Angori | Pininfarina

In simultaneous collaboration with Detroit Month of Design, and for the first time ever, the Consulate of Italy in Detroit, in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan,  LoveITDetroit, an active design, innovation and architectural exhibition like nothing Detroit has experienced before.<br ...