122nd Anniversary of the Adrian Train Wreck on October 1.
The Com.It.Es. Detroit, a non-profit Italian organization representing Italians living abroad, under the Auspices of the Consulate of Italy in Detroit is hosting the 122nd anniversary of the Adrian Train Wreck on October 1.
In 1901, 135,996 Italians arrived in the United States to ...
Wayne State students @ B.Energy
On May 18th, B.Energy hosted a delegation led by Professor John Taylor and seventeen students from Wayne State University of Detroit (MI) School of Business, Global Supply Chain Department. The visit to B.Energy gave them a complete overview of the industrial production cycle by analyzing waste management issues and technologies. Particularly interested in the automotive […]
Manca solo Mozart | Only Mozart is Missing
Offered by the Consulate of Italy in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan and organized in collaboration with In Scena. Manca solo Mozart (Only Mozart is Missing) written & directed by Antonio Grosso, was performed by Marco Simeoli on Saturday, May 6 at the Marygrove Conservancy and Liberal Arts Theater. Based on the […]
Danilo Prefumo | Paganini. His Life, Works, and Times.
We met musicologist Danilo Prefumo for his book presentation that illustrated the most important aspects of Paganini’s human and creative story. He touched on a topic still unknown today and certainly very interesting to the American public: Paganini’s planned tour of the United ...
Italian Film Festival | Aspromonte
Don Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967)
Guest speakers Prof. Gabriele Boccaccini and Prof. Nicola Terranato.
Don Lorenzo Milani is among the protagonists of the twentieth century in Italy. This year marks the centenary of his birth, and it is, therefore, an opportunity to revisit his work ...
March 1943-2023: 80 Years of Music Celebration
Caffè & Canzoni
Celebrating 80 Years of Music and Moments in the Life of Two most Loved Italian Songwriters.
We sang atogheter celebrating music to remember and capture two singers, and their music, moments tied to their songs and give ...
Do You See Me?
Il Giorno della Memoria – Holocaust Remembrance Day! | Film Screening
In honor of the “Giornata della Memoria” – Holocaust Remembrance Day (observed globally on January 27) – the Consulate of Italy in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan commemorated those Italians who suffered persecution as a result of the Racial Laws ...
“The legend of a pumpkin house”
Author Urbano Salvati presented “The legend of a pumpkin house,” a delightful and timely story representing a fairy tale for today’s world.The story begins with a retired couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fiorina, giving the neighborhood children a special Halloween party with many pumpkin decorations. In the midst of the fun, someone suggests they should create […]