
Il Luogo dei libri “The Place of Books”

Il nuovo numero della rivista “IL LUOGO DEI LIBRI” Un fascicolo dedicato all’interazione tra parole e musica, intitolato: “Letteratura e musica: la sonorità della parola tra armonie e disaccordi”, con gli interessanti contributi di Giuseppe Lucca, della Prof.ssa Giuseppina Giacomazzi e del Prof. Eugenio Ambrosi.La copertina è dedicata a un’opera in digital art dell’artista Gabriel […]

Dante, l’esilio di un Poeta

On May 25th, at our headquarters in Bingham Farms, the docu-film “The Exile of a Poet,” directed by Fabrizio Bancale and produced by the Dante Alighieri Society on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the Sommo Poeta, was screened. Like a true itinerary through images, the film traverses the places “touched” […]

Amir Issaa in Detroit

Lo scorso febbraio, il cantante di hip-hop Amir Issaa, ha incantato i presenti con un concerto intitolato “This is what I live for: an Afro-Italian memoir”. 

Questo incontro è stato possibile grazie al contributo e l’organizzazione del Consolato d’Italia a Detroit, la Dante Alighieri del Michigan, la Wayne State University e Michigan State University. Last […]

Great Success for the Film Screening “The Last Time We Were Children”

The Consulate of Italy and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan recently commemorated International Holocaust Remembrance Day with a film screening titled “The Last Time We Were Children.” The event focused on remembrance and the Italian commitment to combating xenophobia and discrimination. Consul Allegra Baistrocchi introduced the event to an audience of almost 300 people, […]

We have moved!

Friends and Valued Members, We’re excited to announce that DAS of Michigan has moved to a new office space! Our new address is:30100 Telegraph Rd. Ste. 322 | Bingham Farms, MI 48025(East Entrance) Starting from November 30, all operations, meetings, and correspondence will take place in our new location. This move allows us to better […]

Wayne State students @ B.Energy

On May 18th, B.Energy hosted a delegation led by Professor John Taylor and seventeen students from Wayne State University of Detroit (MI) School of Business, Global Supply Chain Department. The visit to B.Energy gave them a complete overview of the industrial production cycle by analyzing waste management issues and technologies. Particularly interested in the automotive […]

Manca solo Mozart | Only Mozart is Missing

Offered by the  Consulate of Italy in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan and organized in collaboration with  In Scena. Manca solo Mozart (Only Mozart is Missing) written & directed by Antonio Grosso, was performed by Marco Simeoli on Saturday, May 6 at the  Marygrove Conservancy and Liberal Arts Theater. Based on the […]