Italian B2.4 – Friday, 10:30 am -12:00 pm – with Irene
Starting:  Sep. 13 (Dates: Sep. 13, 20, 27 – Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25 – Nov. 1, 8, 15, 22 – Dec. 6, 13)

NOTE: A course can/should be repeated if a level is not reached.
Tuition Rates: (20 hours in 13 classes of 90 minutes).

DAS Members are $240 – Non-Members are $280 – Online
Do you want the reduced rate? Then, become a DAS Member.

Refund Policy: A full refund will be made if a course does not start.
Please note that on all refunds, $5:00 will be deducted for administration and PayPal fees.
No refunds will be made after the course has started.


~~Level B2~~

Level B2 Fundamental/Progress  has 4 sessions of 20 hours each B2.1/B2.2/B2.3 /B2.4 (80 hours)

Can understand the main ideas of complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.


Course objectives​:
The course aims to help students become independent learners who can master the Italian language and interact fluently and spontaneously with native speakers without straining either party. With more vital lexical and linguistic skills, they will easily fit in the Italian environment, travel, or stay in Italy. In addition, the students will acquire the fluency to describe appropriately different places, people, needs, and moods, and their conversation will become more complete.

Communicative goals:
● Understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics;
● Understand speeches of various lengths and follow even complex arguments, including technical discussions in their field of specialization;
● Produce explicit, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on issues by giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options;
● Become able to read literary text and news from newspapers, magazines, and the web;
● Be able to work on extracts from TV shows, commercials, and films in standard Italian;
● Acquire the ability to produce precise, detailed descriptions of a wide range of cultural topics and current events of interest to them.

Grammatical structures:
Review all indicative, conditional, subjunctive tenses (present and imperfect) and dependent and independent sentences.

Italian culture and customs:
Italian language today; famous poets and writers; Italian history in the 1900s.