Join Us on Zoom
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 @ 4:00 PM (EST)
The Italian Consulate in Detroit and the Dante Alighieri Michigan Chapter are delighted to announce the upcoming event on Zoom, “The Filangieri-Franklin Correspondence: an Enlightening Dialogue Between Italy and the USA.”
The event is part of the National Italian American Foundation Dr. A. Kenneth Ciongoli Colloquium with Amedeo Arena, a professor at the University of Naples Federico II and a Senior Lecturer at UC Berkeley. Sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Accademia Filangieri-Della Porta, the webinar will delve into the correspondence between Neapolitan Enlightenment Philosopher Gaetano Filangieri and U.S. Founding Father Benjamin Franklin at the time of the Philadelphia Convention. This correspondence transcended a mere exchange of letters, marking the inception of a profound dialogue between Italy and America concerning shared values that continue to shape the identities of both nations. The webinar aims to explore these values alongside the linguistic facets of this illuminating correspondence.
Reservation is required – Please register here: