AP ITALIAN (HS) – Online  with Francesca Biundo
Starting: Saturday, January 11, 2025
10 Sessions of 2 hours each. Dates: Jan. 11, 25 – February. 8, 22 – Mar. 1, 15, 29 – Apr. 12, 26 – May 3 (20 hours)
Time: 10:00 AM -12:00 PM

Classes for Native Speakers and Advanced Students – Advanced Program

Save Tuition on College: Take Italian AP Classes and Tests to Place Out of College Courses
You will need to register in advance.
1st student $300 (20 hours)
Sibling $280

ONLINE: Zoom Education

What is Italian AP?

AP stands for Advanced Placement. AP allows high school students to take college-level courses and achieve college credit or advanced placement.

By deciding to take an AP course, you’re letting colleges and universities know that you have what it takes to succeed in an undergraduate environment. AP courses signal to admissions officers that you’ve undertaken the most rigorous classes your high school offers. They see that you’ve challenged yourself with college-level coursework and expectations and refined your skills to meet them [1].

As college costs grow yearly, the prospect of continuing education becomes less and less of a reality for many high school students. You can save on college expenses by taking an AP course and scoring successfully on the related AP Exam.

AP Italian is your gateway to learning more about contemporary Italy and Italian culture. You will develop your communication skills, open your mind to a new and fascinating culture, and advance your job search.

For a course overview and description, please visit the College Board website's College Board AP page.
You will find all the information on the exam, how to prepare, and how to take a sample exam.

Is Italian AP offered at your school?

Talk with your high school counselor and ask if Italian AP courses are offered there. If they are, the counselor will have all the necessary information for you.

If Italian AP is NOT offered at your school, you still need to talk with your counselor to have him/her help you work through any steps necessary for possibly taking the exam at a school other than your own. 

The College Board will not deny anyone, but school districts may not have locations available. If your school does not offer the Italian AP Exam, you should call 877 – 274-6474 to find a school in the area that administers it and will allow a non-registered student (of a given school) to take it.

Exams’ dates are posted on the College Board website well ahead of time.
Visit this page at the beginning of the school year to plan accordingly.
What to expect?
Exam Format

Starting in the 2019-20 school year, the AP Italian Language and Culture Exam will have question types and point values that will remain stable and consistent from year to year so you and your students know what to expect on exam day. The AP Italian Language and Culture Exam will have a new Section I (Multiple-choice). The only change in Section II (Free-Response) is the name of the persuasive essay, which is now called the argumentative essay, to better align it with what is expected in this task, but the task itself is not changing, nor is how it is scored.

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DAS of Michigan is committed to preparing students for the AP Italian Exam.

However, students must register for the exam and complete the registration process independently.
Don’t hesitate to contact your high school for details, registration, and exam due date.
AP Italian Language and Culture Exams will only be available in schools or school-proctored locations.
The exam will cover the full scope of course content, allowing students to qualify for college credit and placement.