MagiFiaba  Lab for children ages 3-5
Location: DAS – 4050 West Maple Rd – Ste 250, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
Dates: Starting Sunday, Sept 17,
with Francesca and Martina
Time: 10:00-10:45am
(Sep. 17- Oct. 8- Nov. 12- Dec. 3- Jan 14- Feb. 4- Mar. 10- Apr. 14- May 5)

The MagiFiaba lab aims to help children learn or consolidate the Italian language through the animated reading of fairy tales. This is a fun and educational opportunity to approach the Italian language together with the help of our readers. Children aged 3-5, with or without Italian language skills, in the 45 minutes are involved through reading fairy tales, songs, or nursery rhymes and artistic activities or manipulation.

Register for the children’s lab of your choice for at least ten days to reserve your child’s spot.
We will do our best to accommodate as many children as allowed, but for practical reasons, we must respect the limits set by the workshop leaders.
Registrations will be closed when a maximum number of children is reached. 

  • Monthly Appointment